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Area 15 Mid Essex Show 19th May 2024 - Frenches Farm 


BSPS Area 15 held their annual Mid Essex Summer Show on Sunday 19th May 2024 at Frenches Farm. The show was blessed with fabulous weather and well attended with good entries across the extensive range of affiliated and unaffiliated classes with qualifications on offer for both the BSPS Summer Championships & Equifest 2024.


Lucia Stanley and her hugely consistent 13hh WHP, Killaughey Golden Cascade, fresh from a win at Royal Windsor, took the Open WHP title and were awarded the ultimate BSPS Area 15 Supreme Championship generously sponsored by Fairfield’s Farm Crisps.  Reserve came from the M&M Heritage Young Rider Champion, Tia Burt & Wellbrow Black Diamond. 


Tilly Codllin and Dycott Glamour Chick were triumphant in the Heritage First Ridden class and were also Area 15 Heritage Mini Champions kindly sponsored by Angela Gibson. In the plaited mini classes Matilda McKay & Ducketts Dragonfly were awarded the sash kindly sponsored by the Stanley Family. 


The Area 15 Pretty Polly Champions were Ellie Just on Lunesdale War Dance.  The classes run across the native and plaiteds and are exclusive to home produced families and were received at this show. 


Amelia Spurr pulled off a display complete with no stirrups on her new ride Lucky’s Lass who only arrived from Scotland 5 days earlier in the week to win the BSPS Black Country Saddles Best Rider of the Year and will represent Area 15 in this class at the BSPS Summer Championships. 


With a ring dedicated to Working Hunter Pony and Training stakes classes for both native and plaited ponies, these classes were well supported and kept judges Mrs Sally Ward & Mrs Tina Hazlem busy throughout the day with a late finish. The new Area 15 Heritage M&M WHP Championship which was kindly sponsored by Sandcrest Working Hunter Ponies was won by Amelia Short & Damlane Master Tom. Reserve was a consistent Izzy Stanley on Samantha Stanley’s Kippure Hitchcock as she also took Reserve WHP on her 15hh Moorland White River. 


Elyza Hillyard had a successful day across the show pony classes and worker rings with her novice 13.2hh show pony Tremarl Ladybird going Show Pony Champion and then Mini WHP Champion aboard Annandale Captain Splash, proving what a versatile jockey she is at just 11 years old.  


After a full day of judging the Pretty Polly & Show Pony classes, Judge Mr Scott Dixon gamely commentated on the newly released BSPS Hobby Horse classes which see the first, second and third placings in each age category qualifying for the LeMieux sponsored final at the BSPS Summer Championships. Judges Abigail Lane & Francine Spurr were wowed by extremely well thought out shows consisting not only of figures of eight, rein backs, extended trot and gallops but also piaffe, passage and one-time changes! Emily Evans took an impressive win in the most popular age career 6-9yrs and Jessica Westhorpe won the 10-12yrs category. Competitors were all awarded rosettes and sweets with medals to the qualifiers, generously sponsored by Sarah’s Personalised Rosette Hangers. 


The Area 15 Strictly Classes which are in memory of the late Michael Sharpley are designed as light heated fun also and allow the competitors to express their showmanship.  This year the  Strictly Champion was a delighted Frankie Moxham on Millais Candyman.  


BSPS Area 15 would like to express their sincere thanks to all the competitors, Judges, Stewards, course builders, ring runners, sponsors and members for their continued support.  

Area 15 Mid Essex Show 21st May 2023 - Frenches Farm 

Congratulations to Barbara Flynn for all her hard work alongside others for organising this show together with 'slotting in ' the RI worker classes at short notice. It was a real team effort setting up the showground with a flowing worker course and rings superbly prepared by Frenches Farm.

Again thank you to our sponsors - so vital for us and our local riders to be able to compete at their local show - thank you. Also all helpers the day before , stewards and helpers on the day , judges who gave their services with a smile and again the competitors and families who supported the show once again challenging our lorry parking facilities !!! 

Supreme of Show - Izzy Stanley & Moorland Whiteriver
Photo's courtesy of
Melody Fisher Photography


Emily Cooper and Rowfantina Hideaway Harry

Area 15 Show  8th May 2023 - Brook Farm Training Centre 

Following the rescheduling of the original show to Brook Farm it was a great success with entries up and an overflowing lorry park.  RI qualifiers for pony  plaited and M&M classes went alongside the full range of open and amateur horse classes and for the first time Hunters and Intermediates. A special thanks to Sue Johnson and her team for double the work needed to reorganise the show - something we will be
wishing to avoid next year ! Also without the support of sponsors , stewards , helpers and obviously all the competitors we would not be able to run this or other shows and events - a BIG 'thank you ' to all involved. Lastly Brook Farm who came forward to offer us the rescheduled date and cooperated fully with setting up the showground.  Next year's RI flat qualifiers will again be at Brook Farm on the 7th April. The RI plaited workers will be at Frenches Farm on the 6th April - details to be confirmed- an exciting weekend  to look forward to but we will need help so don't be shy in coming forward...

Supreme of Show

Jessica McIntosh and Romano Rosebud

Champion Show Pony

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Emily Cooper and Rowfantina Hideaway Harry

Champion Mini M&M Ridden

Photo's courtesy of Melody Fisher Photography
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