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Natasha Flynn on Brasted Brenin Aur 143 cm SHP & WHP (Owner Mrs Deborah Holt-Atkinson) Placed RIHS SHP, Reserve Champ.Novice WHP at BSPS Champs + Many wins in both classes.

Barbara Flynn (standing !) with her pony Jayne in 1958.. lovely hat and jods. !!
Natasha Flynn on Mr Rusty N/S & WHP

Natasha Flynn on Smalland Musket 138cms Show Pony (with Mrs Edna Hunnable-Schnieder, our president, presenting the prizes. Owned by Mrs Angela Clarke, produced by Deborah Holt-Atkinson. Winner at RIHS 1985 with Emma Clarke. Then won with Natasha in 1987 & 1988. Won at nearly all the "Royal Shows" in 1988.
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